May 10, 2024 Dear Reader, Listening is at the core of Inclusive Leadership. This edition explores the usual pillars of Inclusive Leadership more concisely. Self-awarenessAllow me to refer to a previous edition of The Inclusive Leadership Spotlight, which lists the saboteurs impacting our listening skills. We better recognize and neutralize them! You will find the list here. Which saboteur impacts the most your listening skills in a diverse environment? What are you learning? Emotional & Cultural AgilityIn many cultures and workplaces, the opinions of senior members carry more weight than those of junior members. Power dynamics, although often unspoken, can greatly influence who gets heard. As an Inclusive Leader, it is important to be aware of these dynamics and work towards creating a culture of equality where everyone's contributions are given equal attention. Leading with integrity is key in this endeavor. Leading with Integrity and Compassion🎥 Wednesday Video Recap: This week's video addressed two fundamental techniques to ensure that every voice is truly listened to in a meeting.
Let’s add a third basic technique. End every topic discussed during the meeting by asking, "Has everything been said?" Encourage the participants who have been discreet to raise their perspectives. During meetings, we often rush to discuss the issues at hand. However, let's create a listening culture where every voice is listened to and valued. Until next time, Catherine 🌟 The Inclusive Leadership Spotlight is Yours! 🌟 🗣️ Remember, Inclusive Leadership is not a destination; it's a continuous evolution. Stay tuned for more insights on self-awareness, emotional & cultural agility, and leading with integrity and courage in our upcoming newsletters.